Haunt Me

Haunt Me

Release von Aura Davis

: 03.12.2021
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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I wrote the song on my own on a simple acoustic guitar. As always, I played it for Pascal, who is my songwriting partner and soundengineer. We immeditaley knew what to do with it and so we spent a whole weekend in our attic studio and worked out the final production of it. The favorite thing about this song to me is the hauntingly dramatic beautiful bassline Pascal came up with. It just matched my intention completetly and adds such a haunting dramatic feel to it. The story behind this one is pretty damn personal. I mean, it is - of course a lovesong - but to me it is so much more. I wrote it in
the perspective of someone who is really really close to me and went through this typical phase after a breakup where you just don't really understand why or what even happened. I tried to give her back the power in the bridge because - to me - there is still hope for her. If only she learned how to move on and let go. Even if she didn't achieve that yet in real life, in my story - she does.
