So It Goes

So It Goes

Release von Aura Davis

: 25.03.2022
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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For the longest time, I wanted to write a song about that one person you just can't get enough of, even if it's incredibly unhealthy, messy and always leads to huge complications. Even if it is a punk-rock-ish kind of song, it comes from a storytelling perspective, just like all my music does. There are a lot of re-amped guitars included, but the storyline is what makes it special to me. It tells the story of two people who just can't stop going back to each other knowing very well it always ends up dirty but they still go for it anyway. I think we've all been there, we all have that one person. It was important to me to not make it a ballad or a sad song. I wanted to display the wild side to it, especially being a woman. There are a lot of lines in it I think capture the very essence of this particular situation.
