What You Love

What You Love

Release von Aura Davis

: 05.11.2021
Produktion: DIY
Label: Selbstvertrieb

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What You Love is the first song I ever wrote in perspective of a fictional character. Over the years - especially growing up, people painted this picture of me being this never-settling, not caring, man eating, selfish mad woman you should stay away from. I wrote the original idea almost 4 years ago and it was one of the songs that kind of “just happened”. I remember sitting on my couch, after having heard new rumours about me just thinking…”dirty little bastard, that’s not what happened”. And that was basically it. I grabbed my guitar and just started to mumble part of the chorus like"...I'm a mad mad woman but that is what you love about me"... I wrote the acoustic raw version of it in 20minutes, on my couch.. The song happened out of emotion - and it happened really quick. I didn't put that much thought into "what style" it would end up being - i just wrote it. So I'd say it is very fierce, bold, unapologetic, wild, teasing yet feministic. We tried to really bring in that female boldness with nuances of a charismatic yet fierce "fuck you" attitude.
