when words fail

when words fail

Release von Lara Samira

: 22.10.2021
Produktion: Wisseloord Studios
Label: TOUKAN Records

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“When words fail” was written in 2019 back when my anxiety and feelings of depression were at their highest. I felt like I could barely go outside, because even the simplest of tasks felt too much for me to handle. Talking to people I didn’t know seemed to get increasingly harder up to the point where I avoided meeting new people completely. But while I was always kind of shy talking in front of people, I never really had a problem singing in front of them. That’s what I love doing the most, especially with my ukulele and over the years this little instrument and the music became my safe space. “When words fail” talks about the anxiety, the fear of being judged when speaking up and also the comfort you can find in music. This song always reminds me that while some things are scary, they will get better if you push through your anxiety and focus on the things that make you feel happy and safe! In my case - and I’m sure I’m not the only one here - it’s music.
