Schlicht und Ergreifend (The Session Suites Vol. 1)

Schlicht und Ergreifend (The Session Suites Vol. 1)

Release von Von Korf

: 01.03.2020
Produktion: DIY
Label: Rekord Musik

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This release is the first of a series of minimal rock sessions played by Von Korf. The recordings were made on three tracks and are uncut. They document the improvisations Von Korf is working on continously since 2012. The sessions were recorded live in 2017 and 2018 at the former Imphal & Mercer Barracks, barrack 16 in Osnabrueck, Germany.
The stereo master was recorded on a Revox A77 tape machine. This machine belonged to Lord Geoffrey, a DJ in the Lueneburg region from the 1960s to 1980s. He used the machine extensively so now the tape heads reached the end of their lifespan, especially on the right channel. Anyway even so that channel is quite noisy the machine creates a great room for the instruments.
