The Paradise Ballet

The Paradise Ballet

Release von www.foolsparadisse.dk

: 01.03.2019
Produktion: Dreamland Studio
Label: Gateway Music

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The Paradise Ballet was created by the rock band, Fool’s Paradise, that during the last 5 years has created a name for themselves on the Danish and especially the German rock scene. In 2016 the band won Germany’s biggest band contest in Hamburg, where 140 newcomer bands participated.

The band has its own music style, great guitar solos, energetic symphonic sounds with classical items, melancholic lead vocals and chaotic psychedelic moments.

Thomas Edinger is a guest soloist on the album, playing sax solo on two songs as only he can play them. Thomas Edinger is known for playing with Johnny Logan, Medina, Lucas Graham, Thomas Helmig, Mads Langer, Danish version of “Dancing with the stars” …

Detlef Kapteina, known from the band Bogart (1982), who is the guitarist and songwriter of the band, has created the music during several years and first tried it out live in as well Denmark as abroad. The audience was and is enthusiastic and the band contacted Thomas Becker from Dreamland Studio in Nibe (DK) to plan an analogue studio recording of The Paradise Ballet. Thomas Becker is the sound engineer for Johnny Logan and many well-known Danish names. And he has been engineering for no less than Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) at a concert in Denmark.

Fool’s Paradise are Detlef Kapteina (Guitar/vocal), Anja Munkholm (Keyboards/choir), Bjørn Egeskjold (Bass/choir) and Morten Søndermark (Drums).

The Paradise Ballet album consists of 10 strong and very present tunes, seducing the listener into a whole new universe, a musical universe full of surprises and rock music of high quality.

No Bullshit- No Mainstream- Real Rock
