Gibson Les Paul Traditional Pro

Gibson Les Paul Traditional Pro

Gear von Marc Bones Jax

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My gibson les paul guitars are modified traditional pro.
LP Planetop heavy aged from 2009 and a LP Goldtop darkback 2012 and a customized edition of an SG Doubleneck EDS Std.
My amp is a modified Marshall JCM 900 dual reverb with 120 watts ( pimpt by Amp Pete Cologne) full stack, with a Jimmi Hendrix 1982b 100W RMS and a 1960 TV 100 RMS.
The Spieker were exchanged diagunal in both boxes. Thus, each box individually the same mix,
or simply... The Bones Tone.
My recording or stage microphone is a Shure SM 7 beta or a Shure SM 57


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